Superficial vessels are small blood vessels, called capillaries, that are just below the surface of your skin. They appear as small red lines when damaged. They usually appear on the nose, chin and cheeks. Although facial veins usually do not cause pain or discomfort, they can annoy you with their presence.
When the capillaries are dilated or enlarged, they bulge under the skin due to the pressure of extra blood. Because they are so close to the skin's surface, these changes can be more noticeable. Superficial vessels become more common with age. As you get older, your veins can weaken and become more prone to dilation when damaged by internal or external factors. They can also become more prominent as you get older because the skin can thin, which can make the vessels more visible.
What causes superficial vessels?
Aging can lead to superficial vessels as previously mentioned. Other factors
Sun damage
Sun exposure is one of the most common causes of superficial vessels. Being in the sun without SPF or getting a sunburn can enlarge and dilate your blood vessels. When your skin gets sun damage, the top layer of skin can peel and make the blood vessels directly under the skin's surface more visible.
Extreme pressure
It can be squeezing pimples, sneezing, vomiting or facial injuries. Wind or extreme temperature changes can also damage these delicate blood vessels.
Alcohol consumption can temporarily widen the blood vessels. Frequent drinking can cause the damage to persist for longer periods and cause a reddened appearance.