Glycerin is a powerful, moisturizing and repairing ingredient that helps support the skin's barrier function and replenish a dehydrated complexion. It is a colorless and viscous liquid that is usually found in moisturizers along with emollients and oils. It's probably already in some of your favorite products.
Glycerin works by drawing moisture from the environment and trapping it in the skin. Its low molecular weight means glycerin is very effective at drawing moisture deep into the dermis, providing long-lasting hydration.
Glycerin also mimics the skin's natural moisturizing factor ( NMF ), the body's built-in response to keep the skin soft and supple. This natural process not only slows down as we age, but its loss is accelerated by exposure to UV light and pollution. It leads to dehydration, uneven skin tone and prominent signs of aging. So it is important that we replenish the skin through nourishing ingredients, such as glycerin, which work in synergy with the skin.
Although commonly found in many moisturizers, glycerin is also common in cleansers, serums, masks, and more. Its significant moisturizing properties make it an excellent ingredient for those with extremely dry skin or skin conditions such as psoriasis and dermatitis . Glycerin is non-comedogenic (it does not clog pores) and is suitable for most skin types.
Some products with glycerin: